Bandung Part 2

cerita ini merupakan sambungan dari postingan blog gw yang "tulis tentang pengalaman aja deh.."

Jadi, ketika dikabarkn akan melanjutkn lomba mat di Bandung, sore itu juga gw, Amel, n Gita pergi ke Bandung dgn mobil Pak Warno.. Kira-kira pukul 5 dari Jakarta dan sampai Bandung pukul 10.30.. Bosan sekali slma prjlnan n pantat rasany ud mw tepoz gr2 kelamaan duduk di mobil. Ud gitu setiap kali nyokap gw telepon, pasti Pak Warno ngeledek gw.. (hiks2 knp klo Gita n Amel ga diledekin c pak? Bpk ngefansny sama saya c.. tp ga perlu sampe segitunya pak.. wkwkwkwk). Pas nyampe di Bandung, Pak Warno yg kala itu sbg supir.. (wkwkwk... peace pak!) Masih mencari daerah penginapan yg ud dibooking dr sklh.. Muter2 Bandung.. (pusing 7 keliling smpe). Akhirnya ketemu jg tmpt penginapanny yg namanya itu klo ga salah n ga lupa c Hotel Puri Cipaganti (ya itu tmptny g slh lg!) Masuk k dlm wilayah Hotel Puri Cipaganti, kok nyeremin bgt y? Sepiii bgt.. hih! sereeeemm.. Yawda abis itu gw, Amel, n Gita masuk kamar. Gw, Amel, n Gita untungny sekamar jd g serem. Nah, Pak Warno sendirian tuh di kamar.. wkwkwk.. kerjain yuk! (ayooo..) Awalny c cuma mau nanya seragam bwt lmba bsk ap.. Tp gr2 pd g mw tanya Pak Warno mlh cm slng nyuruh2.. Yawda tiap x ketok pntu trs kita kabur k kamar (ampe 3x klo g slh). Jd, pas Pak Warno buka pintu, dia ga liat siapa2.. Ketakutan dech dia.. wkwkwkwk.. Trs kita akhirnya nanya bareng2.. Tp Pak Warno ga curiga klo yg ngetok pintu itu kita.. Yawda d kita diem2 aj.. Besok paginya Pak Warno nanya ke kita.. "Td malem kalian bukan c yg ngetok pintu??" Kita sambil senyum2 bilang, "Iya, Pak! emgny knp?" Pak Warno bilang klo dia ampe ketakutan n nyalain TV terus dr malem ampe pagi.. wkwkwkwk.. (kacian d bpk kualat tuh ama saya, mkny jgn ngisengin sy mulu..ha3) Tapi sebelumnya.. pas sblm tidur malem, ad yg orkes kentut tuh!!! Ud mau pingsan gw dikentutin Gita n Amel.. Emg pd GILLEEE!!! wkwkwkw.. (abis ngepost ini pasti gw digorok ama mereka b2 gr2 bongkar rahasia)... Mereka malah ngajak2 gw buat ikutan kentut lg.. Strezz emg tuh b2!! Ogahlah gw.. Gw ga gilaaa segitunya.. wkwkwkwk.. ntr klo gw kentut Pak Warno kebangun lg dr tidurny yg lelap, yg sblmny g bisa tdr gr2 ketakutan.. wkwkwk.. kn g enak ganggu.. wkwkwk.. gw jd ikutan gilaaa d.. Aduh jd kangen nih.. pengen ngumpul2 bareng lagi b3an.. Gw jd inget pas kita dijulukin trio macan gr2 ke mana2 b3.. Knp g sklian trio kwek2 atau trio2 lainny y?? Emg pd bisa aja tuh tmn2 klo bikin julukan.. hahahay.. Kpn nih kita jln2 n ngumpul2 lagi kyk dulu.. (Huhhuhuhu) Gw kangen tak terhingga nih ud kyk tan 90! wkwkwkwk.. Mat msh dibw2 aj.. Hahahahaha.. Abis ulum jln2 bareng y.. Hehehehehe..
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2012 The Movie

2012 mmm...

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Membantu Teman2 XI IPA yang Remedial Matematika

Teman-teman yang remedial matematika.. Jangan khawatir saya akan membantu anda (lagi ga ad kerjaan sekalian belajar ngeblog) dalam memecahkan soal2 yg aneh2, unik, n ribet.. Ini jawaban n carany.. Saya baru mengerjakan sebagian dan amad terburu2.. Jd kalau ada yang salah atau tidak teliti harap dimaklumi.

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The History of Ice Cream

The story of ice cream begins a long, long time ago in a most beautiful place. The story of ice cream begins over 3,000 years ago in China. Lots of cool things were invented in China. Umbrellas, glasses and fireworks were all invented in China but the tastiest and coldest Chinese invention is snow ice cream. The Emperors of China were the first people, we know about who were lucky enough to get to eat snow ice cream. Their cooks mixed snow and ice from the mountains with fruit, wine and honey to make a tasty treat for their rulers to enjoy when they wanted to relax.

How the Romans came up with the idea of making snow ice cream we do not know. But what we do know is that in 62 A.D. the Roman Emperor Nero wanted to eat snow ice cream so badly he sent slaves up to the mountains to bring back snow and ice so his cooks could make it for him. Nero's cooks mixed the ice and snow the slaves brought back with nectar, fruit and honey and then Nero ate it.

In 1295, Marco Polo, a great adventurer, returned from China to Italy with a new recipe for making snow ice cream. His recipe called for mixing yak milk into snow in order to make it creamy. The idea of mixing a mammal's milk into snow ice cream caught on and soon the rich people of Italy were enjoying frozen milk.

In 1533, Catherine de Medici of Florence, Italy became the Queen of France when she married the French king, Henry II. One of the things she took with her when she moved from her home in Italy to her castle in France was her recipe for making frozen milk. Soon many of the cooks in France were making the delicious treat. One French chef opened a shop to sell the tasty treat. He was the first cook to add flavors like chocolate and strawberry to the frozen milk.

When Charles I of England visited France in the 1600s, he was served frozen milk. He loved it so much, he asked the French chef who served it to him to sell him the recipe. Charles I took the recipe back to England with him and the rich people of England began to eat the delicious cold dessert.

In 1700, Governor Bladen of Maryland, who was from England, served ice cream to his guests. Seventy-six years later, the first ice cream parlor in America opened in New York City.

Dolly Madison, the president's wife loved ice cream so much, she served it to her White House guests in 1812. In 1843, an American woman named Nancy Johnston invented the hand-cranked ice cream freezer, which made making ice cream easier. In 1851 Jacob Fussel opened the first ice cream factory in the United States of America in Baltimore, Maryland. He sold his ice cream from a wagon. In 1899, August Gaulin, who lived in France, invented the homogeniser. This invention helped give ice cream a really smooth texture. In 1902, August Gaulin invented a new kind of ice cream freezer that helped make ice cream freeze faster.

In 1903, Italo Marchiony, a man who sold ice cream from a pushcart he pushed through the streets of New York City, invented the ice cream cone and patented his idea. He invented the waffle cup because he was tired of people walking off with or breaking the glasses he used to serve ice cream from his pushcart.

A year later in 1904, E.A. Hamwi introduced the waffle cone at the St. Louis World Fair. People say he began making the waffle cones when an ice cream vendor at the fair ran out of bowls.

The closing of bars that sold wine and beer in 1919 led to the opening of many ice cream parlors in the United States. The more Americans ate ice cream the more they wanted to eat ice cream. This demand for ice cream led to the invention of the first chocolate covered ice cream bar. The first chocolate ice cream bar was called the I-Scream Bar but later its name was changed to the Eskimo Pie. You can buy an Eskimo pie at the grocery store if you want to find out what it tastes like. You can also buy a Good Humor Bar which was invented in 1920 and was the first ice cream sold on a stick. But if you're like me, you'll head to Baskin-Robbins, which first opened in 1946 in California, and buy a scoop of Cookies 'N Cream which is made with real Oreo cookies. This ice cream flavor was invented in 1983. Others like Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough have been invented since 1983 but Cookies 'N Cream will always be my favorite. Of course, vanilla ice cream with honey on top is also very good. I'm so glad someone in China decided to mix snow and ice with honey and that now even poor people like me can afford to eat tasty frozen treats each and every day of the week, just like Mr. Baskin and Mr. Robbins intended.

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The History of Lollypop

There are many stories about how the lollipop was invented. Some believe that a form of it has been around since the 1800s. Charles Dickens and other authors referred to a sweet lozenge without a stick in some stories. During the Civil War, it is believed that little pieces of hard candy were put on the ends of pencils for children to nibble. In 1908, George Smith claimed to be the first to invent the modern lollipop. Smith applied an idea of putting hard candies on a stick to make them easier to eat. He decided to name the treat after his favorite racing horse, Lolly Pop, and later trademarked the name. Lollipops were successful until the Depression. Smith stopped production on lollipops and the name fell into public domain. A Racine, Wis., manufacturing company claims credit for inventing the first lollipop machine. Racine Confectioners Machinery Co. answered an East Coast candy maker’s call to have a machine make hard candy on a stick in 1908. The company created a machine that automated the lollipop making process and could make 40 lollipops per minute. However, others claim Samuel Born was the first to automate the lollipop-making process. Lollipop manufacturing grew independently in California and in 1916 Samuel Born invented the Born Sucker machine. This machine automatically inserted the stick, which added to the popularity of the confection. San Francisco awarded Born the keys to the city for his invention. How are Lollipops Made? The lollipop manufacturing process is a simple one. First, candy makers mix and heat sugar and corn syrup. Once cooked, colors and flavors are added. The mix then goes to a batch roller and press that forms the head of the lollipop and inserts the stick. Today lollipop heads come in many shapes and sizes. Next the lollipops are cooled and wrapped. Finally, the candy is bagged and shipped. Are Lollipops fat free? To all those out there who are concerned about fat and sodium have no fear, the fat free dessert is here. Lollipops are know for being fat free and many of the lollipop products we carry usually run less than 25 calories per lollipop.
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TuliZ Tentang Pengalaman Aja Deh!

Duhh.. bingung baget deh yg namanya baru pemula nuliz blog.. wkwkwk.. drpd blog gw g ada apa2ny, mending gw crita ttg pengalaman gw aja y... gmn?? boleh kn??mmm... koq diem aja c? brarti boleh y.. hahahahaha (maksa bgt y)

Jadi, dulu gw, Amel, n Gita pernah pergi k Bandung bareng guru Fisika SMP kita yg bernama Pak Warno bwt lomba matematika di Universitas Parahyangan.. Aneh y?? lomba mat koq yg ngedampingin guru fisika.. Jd beginilah kisah awalnya..

Awalnya dimulai dari seorg guru mat SMP kami yg bernama Bu Ninik mengajak kami ber3 utk ikt lomba mat d bandung.. Pertama x kita musih ngerjain soal2 yg cukup aneh, unik, n patinya susah utk menentukan kami bisa lanjut k babak selanjutny, yaitu di Bandung.. Kami kurang yakin kalau bisa lolos krn bnyk skli sklh2 yg turut serta yg sdh pasti lbh jago2.. mmm.. gmna y slnjutny?? pnsaran??

Stlh 1,5 bln menunggu.. Kabar kami lolos atau tdk tak kunjung datang. Akhirny, krn kami pnsrn, kami brusaha utk mencari tahu informasi dr Bu Ninik.. Waktu itu sdng ad lomba d sklh kami.. Kita mau tanya k Bu Ninik sj repooottny n ribbbeetttny setengah mati.. Stiap x mw msk k ruang guru bwt nanya.. Kita malah saling menyuruh. "Lu aja yg tanya".. Trus, tb2 Bu Ninik kluar dr ruang guru. Kita bknny nanya mlh trs2an
brkata,"Lu aj yg nanya". Smpe2 Bu Ninik ud kluar masuk ruang guru kita cm slng suruh menyuruh aj.. Smpe akhirnya kita cape sndiri n ktwa bareng.."Knp pas Bu Ninik kluar dr ruang guru kt mlh g nanya y?" Perjuangan yg cukup sulit y.. Smpe keringat bercucuran.. wkwkwk..

Lalu, Bu Ninik kluar lg dr ruang guru n masuk k TU.. Dia keluar dr Tu dgn membawa selembar kertas.. Apakah itu?? Bu Ninik msk lg k ruang guru..(mungkin dia membaca kertas itu) Tb2 Bu Ninik keluar n memanggil kita u
tk msk k ruang guru n memberitahukn sebuah kabar gmbira yg tdk kita sangka tp kita tunggu2 smpe hrs berjuang dgn keringat bercucuran.. KITA LOLOS n AKAN PERGI KE BANDUNG! katany.

Lalu kpn kita pergi? Bgmana saat kita sampai di Bandung?? Apakah ada suasana yg menyenangkan, lucu atw menyedihkn??? Ingin tahu ceritanya?? Klo ingin tahu.. teruslah membaca blog saya.. krn sy akan memberikn smbungan dr crita ini.. OK?? (ok aj d biar cepet.. ha3). c u!

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sekolah (ngobrol sama teman,,tidur,,makan.. loh??bknny d skolah bljr?? klo ad ulangan tinggal lirik kanan kiri.. ckckck ) -- pulang sekolah (main games,,internetan,,makan,,mandi,,tidur) kapan bljrny?? apkh tdk ada waktu utk menambah sdkt ilmu sj? bgmana indonesia bisa maju jika generasi penerusny seperti ini?? utk itu marilah kita meningkatkan kualitas pelajar dr generasi k generasi! ayo perangi kebodohan dan bangkitkan semangat bljr!!
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